
AccepDance classes provide a safe, fun, supportive environment for kids to move and grow at their own pace. Learning to adapt to the sounds and stimuli in the dance class can help us accept the sounds and stimuli in the world.

AccepDance classes are based on the Autism Movement Therapy model.  AMT classes are an empowering sensory integration strategy that combine patterning, visual movement calculation, audile receptive processing, rhythm, and sequencing to connect the right and left hemispheres of the brain. They are designed to cognitively redirect or re-map the brain using repetition of movement patterns and sequences to establish pathways along which information may travel. This helps individuals with autism in processing, storing, and retrieving information in a more efficient and effective manner. The organizing effects of these classes are useful for individuals with a variety of needs, including those with autism, Downs Syndrome, ADHD, and brain injuries, including, but not limited to, stroke. Combining her degree in dance performance, and her 25 year career as a dance instructor with her Autism Movement Therapy certification, Susan has developed a class that improves balance, flexibility, and cardiovascular health as well.